Kadea Metara - Your own consciousness is your greatest asset.

Discovery, integration and stabilization of one’s true Soul Essence and Wisdom within.

Kadea Metara is a Visionary, Practical Alchemist and “Catalyst for Change.” She lectures, teaches, and counsels worldwide. Her life changing personal transformation workshops, courses and private counseling/healing sessions specialize in the “Great Work” of liberating the human soul from the bondages of the past and achieving Present Moment Awareness. As an Initiatrix, her intent is to awaken and liberate the innate seed of Inner Wisdom locked deep within each person facilitating the opening of new levels of consciousness.

Kadea has been a pioneer in the Consciousness Revolution and a leading edge practitioner of vibrational healing, energy and informational medicine and sound therapy since her “near death” experience in 1975. After gaining tremendous success and prestige as a groundbreaking female corporate executive in the late 70’s she left the corporate world in 1987 to “be true to herself” and devote her time to the study and practice of alchemy and ancient wisdom teachings. As a result she has developed profound but practical teachings, tools and spiritual technology designed to help ordinary people become empowered to quickly and simply make positive and permanent changes in their life.